Saturday, May 27, 2017

Envelope Series ...

Everything is literary  Watercolour 21x 29.7cm  

The scent of lavender  Watercolour 21 x 29.7cm


Secrets  Watercolour 21x 29.7cm 

Sediments  Watercolour and collage 21 x 29.7cm

I have been working on these over a period of time. Nor are they are in the order that I painted them.  And, there may be more to come.  Initially I was looking at Paul Klee's watercolours and his grids of beautiful colour, how he combined various secondary and complimentary colours. From his work I became interested in how if you added only the merest detail it motivates the reading.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Watercolour and Collage 29.7 x 21cm
Watched the Chasers excellent TV show on the War on Waste and was reminded that plastic doesn't break down.
So here are my imaginings of an archeological dig with layers of plastics.
I realise that this is probably a very didactic piece of work.
Actually, the plastic came as an afterthought.  Initially I was thinking about sediments and layers which occur with everything: language, culture, as we build from one thing/thought to another.
In adding the plastic I have narrowed the connotations.

Silent Music


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Watercolour 29.7 x 21cm
My chief concern with this work was the design of the leaves.
We have a potted palm in the studio and someone picked a couple of leaves and stuck them in a vase.
There was my initial inspiration.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017


Watercolour 15 x 10cm
This is a work from the imagination.
I am probably stating the obvious here, but memory is very illusive, a type of reconstruction and not always 'real' although it may feel 'real' or 'true' to the person at the time.   We know that ourselves are made up of cells which are constantly renewed so we are not a constant fixed entity that the word 'self' implies.  Is memory like Chinese whispers?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017


Watercolour and Ink 18 x 14cm
This is a little sketch I did using the end of a wooden paint brush handle sharpened to a chisel point.  I find that by twisting the handle I get different marks.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Where land meets the sky

Watercolour 297 x 210cm
Inspired by the Pearl Beach, Central Coast.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Shark Net

Watercolour 22.8 x 30.5
The source of my inspiration for this painting is the lovely Nielsen Park.