Sunday, February 25, 2018

Scissors and Paper

Oil on canvas 40 x 40cm
I enjoy painting scissors: and depending on the scissors they have different personalities as well as uses.  My mother was very careful to keep her sewing scissors out of reach so that we wouldn't blunt them cutting paper, cardboard, plastic, wire, whatever.  
Scissors evoke creativity: sewing, collage, cut and paste, but also danger; they can be used for cutting out, gouging, severing.  Then there is the game: scissors, paper, rock which is a game of power.  The notion of 'running with scissors' is an image or metaphor for madness.  So - these were a few of the ideas in the back of my mind as I painted this picture.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fork amongst the Spoons

Oil on canvas 40 x 40cm
A return to the kitchen drawer for things to form a composition.
I like the wooden spoons humble origins and also that the composition is formed by rounded forms as opposed to the fork: setting up two groups which perhaps can be read as metaphor or simply as house hold items.

Monday, February 19, 2018

No Tea Bags!

Oil on board, 13 x 8 cm
This little box was about to be put in the bin.
I rescued it because I like the shapes it offered in terms of composition.
The fact that it is a vivid scarlet might have something to do with my attraction too.

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Oil on canvas 12 x 12cm    Sold
This was a small one day effort.  Shells are quite difficult.  They are basically a cone shape.  I have painted them before but didn't think I had fully understood the form so this is another attempt.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Oil on board 20 x 25.5cm
This is a return to the "Kitchen Drawer" series.
And the shears were kindly lend to me by my fellow artist Judith who has the studio opposite me at One Plus 2 Art Studios.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Still life with Blue Bottle

Oil on canvas 40 x 40cm
Have used a restricted palate of Magenta, Viridian, Burnt Sienna and Titanium White for this painting.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Still life with Blue Bowl

Oil on canvas 61 x 76cm
I am influenced by Morandi's compositions here, in that I have a central grouping of objects like a little cityscape.  I depart from Morandi in that I have used glass with no attempt to disguise its transparency.  Morandi deliberately painted forms to flatten the effect of light.
This is part of the Vase and Vessel exhibition at Saint Cloche Gallery, Paddington.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Vessels II

Oil on canvas 40 x 40cm
This painting is part of the Vase and Vessel exhibition, curated by Amber Creswell Bell at the Saint Cloche Gallery in Paddington, Sydney.

Monday, February 5, 2018


Oil on canvas 40 x 50cm
I have continued the theme of boxes.  I am drawn to their almost abstract forms and have used a limited palate and high tones.

Saturday, February 3, 2018