Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bowed male

Acrylic on Roymac water colour paper.  60 x 45.5 cm

House of indecision

Acrylic on paper  58.5 x 42 cm

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Acrylic, charcoal, pastel on water colour paper  76 x 56.5cm
This work was built up from a group of life drawing sketches.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Mr Negative

Acrylic, ink and pencil on Roymac paper 61 x 46 cm
We all have days when that negative voice sits on our shoulder and pecks the colour out of everything.  So here is a drawing that I have named Mr Negative.  And, on the advice from a good friend of mine, Mr negative should be sent on a nice holiday to the south of France!

Reclining nude

Acrylic on Roymac paper  46 x 61 cm
This is another figure in the series I have been working on of late.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reclining figure

Acrylic on paper 58.5 x 42 cm


Acrylic, ink, collage on paper  58.5 x 42 cm 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Crouching figure

Acrylic on paper 58.5 x 42 cm
What I am trying to do in each of these recent figurative studies is create a composition that is not concerned with form or light.  I am more concerned with the overall composition.